Whale Breach Next to Boat

4 years ago

Occurred on July 3, 2020 / Kalbarri, Australia

Info from Licensor: "Humpback breaching next to the boat of the coast of Kalbarri, Western Australia today at 3:49 pm the 3rd of July 2020. We were out on a whale watching tour about 2km of the coast of Kalbarri, when a pod of four humpbacks came up only a few metres from the boat and one gave us a little tail wave.
Then the ocean went quiet for only a few seconds before a huge adult Humpback, maybe 12-15 metres in size, breaches high out of the water, only it’s tail remained in the ocean as it did a full 360* degree turn in the air and landed belly first right in front of us only about 50 ft away!!!
Four humpbacks first, then a tale wave followed by the breach makes this rare footage indeed"

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