Changing the World One Word at a Time

4 years ago

For those who haven’t heard of him, Kwame Alexander is a New York Times Bestselling author of 32 books, recipient of numerous awards including the prestigious Carnegies Medal and Newbery Medal, and the Founding Editor of VERSIFY, an imprint of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt that aims to Change the World One Word at a Time. Today, we chat with the poet and educator to discuss the pandemic and racial tensions across America. Kwame fills us in on what life has been like in the pandemic and his recent panel called “How to Raise and Teach Anti-Racist Kids.” Kwame has a new book coming out in the fall! It’s a collaboration with James Patterson called “Becoming Muhammad Ali,” so be sure to check that out at its release! And to learn more about Kwame, visit his website

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