Hyper dog flies through the course

4 years ago

Cora is a dog that is full of energy, but also full of love and compassion. She loves her owner so much that she doesn't really care what you do to her like putting sunglasses on her or doing agility. This is one of the few things that tire her out fully at the end of the day. Playing ball or even letting her go for a huge run while she is running laps around you doesn't really make her tired. Cora just loves to be outside, so when it is raining she knows it is an inside day, and she will just sulk in the corner till it is sunny. As the summer is almost here the sun is out more and that means that you will be outside all day playing with her, so she will calm down and sleep all night but still wake up the owner at 4 am and is ready to play but the owner goes back to bed and tries to get a few more hours of sleep in before waking up again. Cora will bring in a ball from outside to the owner’s room trying to drop hints of wanting to go play but the owner says “NO”. Sometimes the owner will throw the ball in the yard as she goes to collect the eggs from the chicken coop, but usually they will go outside later in the day and play.

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