Mother cow charges man to defend her newborn calf

4 years ago

Eunice is a proud mother of a calf born just a few hours earlier. Gladys entered the world on a sunny day on this beautiful farm in Millbrook, Ontario. She could not have chosen a better farm to live on. She has vast expanses of lush, green grass, ponds to drink fresh water from, woodlands to explore and a wonderful herd of protective cows. There is even a massive, but gentle bull named Gus. He watches over the herd as he grazes in the freedom of this amazing farm.

The farmers must put a tag on Gladys to help keep track of her medical treatments and healthcare in the years to come. It will be important that they can identify the cows when they make future decisions regarding breeding as well. Another thing that they need to do is to treat the umbilical cord of the newborn to protect the site from infection and infestation by flies that will lay destructive eggs on the exposed flesh.

As the farmers and their assistant approach Eunice and her baby, they are well aware that she will not enjoy them being so close. The calf is not able to run away yet, but they use a rope placed loosely around its neck to keep it from making things difficult. They all move in and try to make the procedure go quickly, but Eunice becomes very agitated and she charges them. She puts her head down and runs straight at the assistant, easily pushing him backwards. She weighs more than 1,000lbs and is strong enough to toss him like a rag doll if she wants. She is also more agile than he is and far more motivated.

The assistant places his hands on her head and shuffles backwards, trying to stay on his feet and keep her from trampling him. Fortunately, she does not mean him harm and she backs up to go back to her baby.

Cows are gentle and docile creatures, but they will understandably protect their calves if they feel threatened. To come between a mother cow and her newborn can have unpredictable and serious consequences. We often don't understand the dangers of this seemingly easy profession.

When the calf was treated and released, Eunice calmed down and nursed her calf.

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