Dog can't stop sneezing

4 years ago

Poncho is a 13 year old rescue dog from Riviera Maya, Mexico. Having been found along with her sister along a dirt road as puppies, she has made a great transition over the years. Poncho is definitely a needy, attention grabbing pooch that loves to cuddle with her owners. over the years Poncho has learned many tricks, and given her owners many days of happiness and love. Poncho the sneezy dog you see here, has some pretty funny habits. First thing in the morning when her owner comes downstairs to get ready for work, if he doesn't give her some canned food in her dry kibbles, she won't eat all day long until he arrives home. She will stand and stare, and walk back and forth to the fridge as she knows that is where the wet dog food is. Once a little tablespoon of wet food is added to her kibbles, she gobbles the meal down and is happy. Then it is outside to check the back yard for any intruders( birds, squirrels,) as she truly thinks she owns the neighbourhood. As seen in this footage while enjoying a head scratch, she is surely a lovable dog. Dogs are the best !

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