The beautiful and colorful underwater paradise of Papua New Guinea

4 years ago

Papua New Guinea is one of the world's top ten scuba diving destinations, and for very good reason. The colours and beauty of this underwater paradise are spectacular. The animal life is strange and beautiful. To slip beneath the waves in this amazing world to see the animal life close up is an unforgettable experience.

For most of us, seeing colorful clown fish and sea anemones, or gorgeous tropical creatures would only be possible in a saltwater aquarium. But for the adventurous, getting close up to these animals in their own habitat is possible by strapping on tanks of air and descending beneath the surface to meet these animals in their own environment. It is not a sport for the faint of heart. Without proper training and guidance, mistakes can have immediate and disastrous consequences. Humans are the guests in this thrilling, but unforgivable domain and we must always be ready to deal with potential hazards or emergencies.

The sights on the reef are breath taking and constantly changing. The animals move constantly and each dive is completely different, even if the location of the dive is repeated. Some of the creatures are curious about the clumsy visitors and others are wary. Some curiously inspect people to see if they could be food, while others simply want to look and then swim away. Any animal can be a predator one minute and prey the next and the balance is a delicate one that shifts in an instant.

Scuba diving opens up a new world of wonders and magical experiences for those willing to learn how to do it safely.

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