Curious newborn calf examines a backpack in the meadow

4 years ago

Benny is a five day old calf with a lot of curiosity. He has been discovering his new world on a beautiful farm in Millbrook, Ontario. He roams freely across many acres of lush, green pasture and rolling hills. He plays in the ponds in the meadows and he romps through a forested area. But in his short life, he had never seen a backpack before and he was thoroughly curious.

Benny found the backpack on the grass when it was left there by a visitor who was checking on the cows and recording some video of calves being born. His wide-eyed interest in anything new is simply adorable. He chewed at the backpack and, very impressively, eventually figured out that the zipper could be moved, but it was taken away before he got his head inside it. Benny's aunt Linda keeps a close eye on him and she came over to have a look at what he was doing. She was interested in what had him so fascinated.

Benny will explore and he will drink a lot of milk, and he will grow quickly on this wonderful farm.

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