Pelosi On Coronavirus: Pelosi: ‘God Willing, This Will Go Away’

4 years ago

If Pelosi wasn't so much a hypocrite and practiced the Christian faith as she preaches, she would be dangerous, but she is not on the level, ever.

Late last week, Pelosi was discussing a bill the House is voting on dealing with a temporary 45-day period in which House members would be allowed to vote remotely by proxy, which had never been done before and against the rules of the House. She expressed hope that the COVID-19 pandemic and the shutdown it has caused will not last much longer.

This is her bill, so you do not have to wonder if she is encouraging it. The democrats just keep trying to push through every possible method by which the vote can be corrupted, whether in the chamber or the elections. Now ask yourself if that corrupted vote will help anyone but the Democrats? The answer is no. The Democrats are enemies of our Republic and not fit to hold political power.

A reporter asked Pelosi about the temporary vote-remotely period: "Is your expectation that you will use that full 45 days?" 

Pelosi said: "Well, God willing, this will go away."

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