Thrilled swimmer meets manatee on the reef in Belize

4 years ago

Nito, known in the scuba diving world as "Big Sexy" was swimming on the reef in his home in Belize. San Pedro is one of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean and it has some of the most abundant and beautiful life, above and below the waves.

Big Sexy is a world famous scuba dive master who leads his clients on explorations deep below the surface. After the diving is done, a stop at a reef that is part of a protected marine conservation area is always a welcome part of the day. While snorkeling here, guests will often see friendly nurse sharks, stingrays, turtles, and thousands of colorful fish.

On this particular swim, Big Sexy spotted a very unusual sight. A large manatee swam right through the group, very unconcerned with the swimmers that followed it and watched it excitedly. Big Sexy was as excited as the rest of them. Although he has seen a few manatees from the boat, and an occasional manatee in the water, it's a rare and thrilling sight for even the most seasoned tour guide.

Big sexy hammed it up for the camera after the clients had their chance to get their footage and he had his colleague record him swimming along behind this beautiful creature.
Big Sexy works at Chuck & Robbies Scuba Diving and Instruction in San Pedro. He's famous for blowing underwater bubble rings, as well as for finding dolphins, sharks, turtles, eels, and anything else that guests would like to see. A dive excursion with Chuck & Robbie's is near impossible to beat!

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