Scuba diver surprised to encounter giant sea turtle on the reef

4 years ago

This giant Loggerhead sea turtle was patrolling the reef in Belize after sunset, looking for conch shells to eat. Scuba divers in the same area were also drifting over the reef and they were surprised and excited to meet up with this gentle giant. Loggerheads can weigh up to 440kg (1,000lbs) and their heads are large enough to eat a full grown conch. Their powerful jaws can crush the thick shells to let them get at the meat inside. But, despite their incredibly powerful bite, they are no threat to humans.
The loggerheads are capable of swimming quickly away from danger with just a few quick flaps from their giant flippers. They have thick, armour shells and only large sharks pose a threat to them once they are fully grown.
An animal this large is an intimidating sight, especially after dark, but these are seasoned scuba divers and they are well aware that the sea turtles will not harm them. This one swims straight for the divers and curiously checks them out before making his way along the reef. Humans are clumsy in comparison to these graceful beasts and the turtle instinctively knows that they cannot keep up as he puts some distance between them.
Approaching animals respectively, or letting them approach on their own terms can provide memorable and breath taking encounters like this one. A brief interaction such as this is an unforgettable experience.

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