Payroll tax better idea under Obama because it was backed by 'facts and truth'

4 years ago

Rep. Tony Cardenas (D-Calif.) said President Obama’s payroll tax cut was different than President Trump’s proposal because Obama backed up his plan with “facts and truth.”
“The White House's idea of a payroll tax and the number that they're talking about, which is in the 10s and 10s of billions of dollars, is something that I think is too wholesale and I think it's irresponsible for us to do something like that,” he said on Thursday as congressional leaders continued negotiations on a coronavirus relief package.
In 2011 and 2012, the Obama administration cut payroll taxes by 2 percentage points to stimulate the economy.
“President Obama always backed up his arguments with facts and truth and this president never backs up his requests with facts and truth,” he responded.

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