How To Be Happy In Worst Case Scenarios

4 years ago

Preparing for the worst case scenario...that's something a lot of us are thinking about at the moment (April 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic). What is the secret to happiness and contentment during this time, and how will we be able to look on the bright side in the future, when Christian persecution will be on the cards for any of us who chooses to obey Jesus? This video will help you to think about the positives, by practicing the positive power of negative thinking.

TO CONTACT: My email address can be found on the 'Community' section of my channel.

What is "A Voice in the Desert"?

A Voice in the Desert is anonymous. Its purpose is to point people to the message, rather than the messenger. Most modern day prophets promote themselves more than the teachings of Jesus and the true message of Revelation. A Voice in the Desert challenges that error and more. Some of the things you hear on this channel may be difficult to understand, and may offend you. The goal, however, is to sweep away dogmas and traditions to reveal what Jesus actually taught.

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Sand blows on the Great Sand Dunes by Kelly Kochanski
Creative Commons (reuse allowed)

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