When are you planning to fail again next time???

4 years ago

The more one has failed in life at a fast pace, faster is the success rate for them. As an infant we all have failed on so many things which included getting up on our own feet, walking, speaking, communicating, running, jumping, socializing, and a lot many other things in our life.
If we look back at our life with this perspective we are sure to realize the fact that life is a set of countless failed attempts which can be presented in better words as countless attempts to be successful. And when we look back at our life it looks like we have been talking about only the success points in our life which can be counted on our finger tips. We do so because we are all in a habit of looking out for significant turning points of our life where we felt good about the results only. There are studies which tell us that if we start noticing the process in a same way as we look at the final result we are sure to achieve more. So when are you planning to fail again next time???

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