This American Bulldog Is Super Excited To Deliver The Mail

5 years ago

Did you ever think that it was a good idea to train your dog to look for the packages that the deliverymen bring? This video will answer all your theories! People who have dogs as pets know that dogs are very easy to train, so they often train their dogs to help with some household chores, such as looking for packages brought by delivery men. In this case, this American Bulldog is perfectly trained to look for the packages that the distributors bring, so when this puppy sees that a delivery man is coming, he immediately runs to look for the package to deliver it to its owners. Throughout the video, you can see the Bulldog running towards the deliveryman's direction to take the package from his hands, that's why the delivery man is very scared since he doesn't know the dog's true intentions. This beautiful Bulldog just wants to help!

The American Bulldog is a medium to large dog, very powerful, athletic, and muscular. With a robust complexion, his body is slightly longer than he is tall. The long and wide head of this dog gives the impression of great power. The cranial vault is parallel to the upper line of the muzzle and the stop is pronounced and abrupt. The muzzle is broad and thick, with strong jaws and muscular cheeks. The lips are moderately thick but not hanging, and preferably black.

The typical American bulldog is a determined and brave dog, but should not be unnecessarily aggressive. Excellent guardian due to its strong protection instinct, it can be aggressive towards strangers and other dogs when it has not been properly socialized or when it does not have good self-control. Therefore, it is very important to socialize him as a puppy and train him in obedience so that he develops the necessary self-control.

He is also an excellent hunter, especially when it comes to big game hunting where he stands out from other dog breeds. However, their strong prey drive can be a disadvantage for anyone who has the American Bulldog as a pet. That drive can cause the dog to have a tendency to "hunt" small animals like other pets and small breed dogs. One way to help control strong impulses is to practice a dog sport such as agility or Schutzhund with the dog. Since this breed is very fierce, protection dog sports, such as the Schutzhund, Mondio ring and others, can be very useful when you have experienced guides and extras.

These dogs need a lot of exercise, so it is better if they have a garden where they can run freely. It is true that they can live in an apartment, but for that, it takes a lot of time available to walk them.

Whether the American bulldog lives in a garden house or apartment, it's best if he lives indoors and goes out to exercise. Although it is a breed of great physical strength, it does not have much protection against changing weather conditions. Similarly, you need to go for a walk at least once a day (better if more) to exercise and socialize, even if you have a garden to run around.

This pup loves getting packages from the delivery people but this woman wasn’t sure if he was going to attack or just wanted the package!

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