Hilarious Pup Totally Freezes Whenever He Wears An Outfit

5 years ago

Have you ever thought about disguising your dog? Probably yes, since dog clothes generally make them look more adorable or elegant. It is proven that not all dogs react in the same way, that is, we all like costumes since they consider them uncomfortable or unnecessary. Some dogs usually bite their costumes and others tend to freeze and do nothing, they just stay in one place until their owners stop bothering you. This adorable dog is called Teddy and he freezes every time his owner puts him on something with his legs together since evidently Teddy does not like costumes and tries to show his owners his discontent. Teddy, you just have to take a walk!

As in all relationships, in which there is between dogs and humans, there are usually misunderstandings, although some even go unnoticed. In fact, to avoid these problems with your faithful friend you will have to ask yourself a series of questions. For example, you should know how dogs think, what their most basic physical and mental needs are and also know what things usually bother them.

Of course, if it is very cold or we need to cover some part of our dog's body for any injury or problem, dressing him with a sweater or with special clothes for them, even with special boots, is fine and in these cases, it is recommended. What our faithful friends do not support or at least most of them, is that we dress them because yes or with simply decorative things and not at all functional. They do not feel comfortable if they cannot walk well or if they carry something that cannot be removed whenever they want. Some learn to tolerate it, but many do not understand why someone comes close to them, stares at them or even laughs at them, although for us it is affectionately they do not understand it, they only perceive that they attract a lot of attention and get nervous. They even feel that other dogs do not dare to approach them, something quite normal but that causes them rejection and therefore eventually causes them emotional distress.

Think that your dog is not a human, try not to humanize him since that will only bring imbalances and problems. Dress him when it's really necessary with the right pieces of clothing.

The dogs like to have a routine, although we vary it so that it does not become very boring, and they like to have a structure because they feel safer and calmer. An unstructured dog, without a minimum of basic training, will end up being an unhappy dog, since it will have insecurities and misunderstandings both with the family and with other dogs or animals. That's why another thing that dogs don't like at all is the lack of structure in their family.

This structure and learning must cover several aspects, from who leads the group to walks and food, among other things. To do this, it is better that we first instruct ourselves well on the proper training for our dog.

Teddy freezes whenever whenever his owner puts him in something with attached legs. Priceless!

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