Puppy Introduced To His First Batch Of Newly Hatched Chicks

4 years ago

Do you know what happens when you put together a puppy, an adult dog and a group of newborn chicks? You can see it right now! In general, dogs generally get along very well with other animals as long as they do not pose a danger to them since dogs are very affectionate by nature, but it is always advisable to take certain precautions when presenting a new pet to a dog. Farmers use some dogs to help them control farm animals since dogs are very obedient and know how to follow instructions easily. In this case, an adorable puppy named Charon sees for the first time a group of newborn chicks, and the result is really lovely. In the same place is also Thorin, a German shepherd dog that already has experience in the care of chicks. It seems that Charon is very happy to meet his new friends!

Even as our best friends, the truth is that there are some things that dogs hate about humans. For example, having much more sensitive senses of hearing and smell, they are deeply disturbed by loud screams and smells. In addition, some typical signs of affection in humans, such as hugs, can be uncomfortable for them, feeling imprisoned.

However, dogs tend to be especially patient and affectionate with us, transmitting with a sneaky relative that this bothers them. Even so, do not forget that we must strive to know and respect the canine nature, offering them a positive environment and respecting their needs.

Dogs mostly use body language to communicate with their peers, with their tutors and other individuals in their environment. When you get sad or feel nervous, these emotions are reflected in your postures, actions, gestures and facial expressions. And do not hesitate: your best friend is able to perceive alterations in your mood easily, even when you don't say a single word.

One of the myths about dogs states that they are only able to see black and white, but this is false. In reality, canine vision is dichromatic, and not trichromatic, like human vision. This means that dogs can identify shades of yellow and blue (which includes shades of gray), but are not able to distinguish red and green. In turn, humans have a high sensitivity to all three colors (blue, red and green), as they have a high concentration of photosensitive cells in their ocular structure.

Beyond learning to recognize their own name easily, dogs show an amazing ability to memorize and distinguish words. According to the research of psychologist Stanley Cohen, dogs can assimilate about 160 words, which corresponds to the human lexicon of a child between 2 or 3 years old. But to fully develop their cognitive abilities, dogs must be properly stimulated through the constant practice of positive training.

When you include a dog in your life and in your home, you will win the most loyal companion who will want to protect you at all times and accompany you in good times and in bad times. This will have an extremely positive impact on your self-esteem and mental health.

In addition, sharing everyday life with a dog encourages us to conquer a healthier lifestyle, helping us fight against sedentary lifestyle and associated diseases, negative moods, loneliness, and depression. With their special way of being and loving each other, dogs teach us to live more and better.

Charon is introduced to a freshly hatched batch of chicks, followed by Thorin the German Shepherd. Cutest video ever!

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