Hermione the English Bull Terrier Hilariously imitates a Majestic Seal

4 years ago

Hermione the English Bull Terrier Hilariously imitates a Majestic Seal as she does Belly Rubs for Her Itchy Tummy for the best Scratches like all EBTs should.

Who doesn't enjoy a good belly rub?

Hermione, named after the intelligent friend from Harry Potter, doesn't look to bright, but that doesn't stop her from knowing what she wants, And she does what all English Bull Terriers do and does exactly what she wants, she wants to and how she wants to.

So, when she has a bit of a scratch, she just can?t reach by normal terms, so she resorts to showing off Her Majesty in the most Majestic and Glorious of ways.

Hermione joins the Pantheon of Best Dog Breeds by showing off her Silly and Humorous of English Bull Terriers.

One must feel sorry for the couch though, for if it had feelings that would be one Sad Sofa. Who would want to know the meaning of its Existence is for the purpose of rubbing the belly of English Bull Terriers?

Actually, on second thought that sounds like a Fabulous Idea. A Viewer may also notice the article of clothing on the Couch, this clever English Bull Terrier has positioned herself above the item for maximum tummy rubbings.

You can't deny that English Bull Terriers aren't smart, if not a bit Daft.

Another wonderful part of this video is the narration of the video as he cheers on the dog and encouraging the fascinating English Bull Terrier doing a Fantastic belly shuffle.

You can hear the laughter in his voice as he giggles with glee at the sight of the silly English bull terrier happily scotching away on her tummies.

The further the video continues the narrator gets more and more excited as the EBT shows pure ecstasy in her shuffling and delight in her actions.

It can never be said this person doesn't truly love Hermione the English bull Terrier

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