Dying Cowboy Sees His Beloved Horse One Last Time

5 years ago

Did you ever think that cowboys and horses could be best friends? Look how this cowboy sees his beloved horse for the last time! It is proven that some animals can become the best friend of some people, since friendships can come from anywhere, obviously no matter how they look. In this case, a dying man sees his beloved horse for the last time, since this man is about to lose his life and that is why he wants to say goodbye to his beloved friend. The cowboys are very close with their horses, but this case is really special, since this man and this horse spent many years together and now for health reasons they must be separated, so the man must be dragged on a stretcher to see to his beloved horse for the last time. This cowboy and his horse will be best friends for all eternity!

Horses are unique companions, all those who have had the pleasure of having a horse in their care have been able to build a friendship with the horse, making it the best companion for walks, for those of us who love riding there is nothing better than when stress surpasses us being able to get on our horse and ride aimlessly, this is something that really has no price and in those spaces, friendship deepens.

The horses usually have a fragile health, so we must always take care, always keep in mind that a veterinarian should regularly check our animals, and always be aware that we do not see anything strange, so it is always good to meet our animal, do not overlook anything, if the horse does not want to leave the box, it can mean something, if it does not perform the same, think that the horse does not have to say verbally what happens but always proves it, that you always have to keep it in mind.

Many caregivers commit the enormous awkwardness of considering the horse as an animal of low capacity. On the contrary, the Equidae is extremely intelligent and that is something to keep in mind at all times to establish a proper relationship with it. It should be taken into account that the type of intelligence of the horse is totally different from human intelligence, adapted to its natural needs.

Indeed, the brain mechanisms that control the emotional responses of the horse are very similar to those of the human being, as is the case in other domestic species such as dogs and cats. Relatively recently, horses have begun to be thought of as animals capable of feeling emotions such as fear or aggression, in a manner very similar to people.

Currently, on social networks there are statements of professional riders when they lose their horse in full competition. The truth is that many see horses only as a tool, in some cases it happens, but there are others who spend hours training and enjoying the horse, who raise it, see it grow and take care of it every day, even traveling together, almost as a loved one, so when we lose a horse it is a very sad moment. This horse and this cowboy will see each other again!

Learn about this heartbreaking story here: https://www.faithpot.com/kevin-adkins-horse/

Credit: Delaney Adkins (Kevin’s daughter)

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