America’s Civil Rights: The Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement

5 years ago

Ep 48 | “We find that the right to keep and bear arms is a “civil right,’” are words you can find in a January 24, 2020 opinion written by the Illinois Supreme Court in a gun rights case. Until the Heller decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, this issue had not been addressed in a legal sense, but now we are beginning to see the inevitable long-term decisions and opinions from the court system one would expect. The decision occurred amidst the blur of activity in Virginia, with a new Democrat-controlled legislature advancing Red Flag laws, extreme limits on gun purchasing, and assault weapons ban bills. bills that would create felons out of law-abiding gun owners if they don’t comply. The all-out assault on gun rights in the state has led to a gun law sanctuary movement with 91 of 95 Virginia Counties declaring themselves gun law sanctuary’s refusing to follow any gun control law deemed unconstitutional.

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