Meet Logan Paul’s Celebrity Dog Trainer

4 years ago

Thomas Davis’s ability to tame any dog has earned him the title of “America’s
Canine Educator” – and made him the dog trainer of choice for celebrities include
YouTube star Logan Paul, current NFL MVP Patrick Mahomes and New York
governor Andrew Cuomo. Working out of the Upstate Canine Academy in upstate
New York, Davis specialises in the most extreme behaviour modification cases –
dogs for whom he is the last chance before either being taken to the shelter or
euthanized. In this episode we see Davis, who has spent time training with
wolves, get to grips with Steele, a German Shepherd whose bad behaviour has
become so extreme that couple Ryan and Brandi have been forced to live
segregated lives in their home, and have to communicate on walkie-talkies to
ensure it is safe for her to leave the house.

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