Hilarious! Smart speaker gives unexpected response when I ask it to speak to my cats.

5 years ago

Hilarious! Smart speaker gives unexpected response when I ask it to speak to my cats.

Today I decided to set up the smart speaker device my brother had bought me for Christmas. I had no idea why I would need this device for anything practical so being one of those crazy cat ladies, naturally I wanted it to be of some use to them. Perhaps it would talk to them? The plan being maybe it would entertain them at certain times.
Well, while this experiment did not go quite as expected, it did turn out to be very entertaining and amusing! The problem is I have a regional accent from Yorkshire in the North of England and Alexa did have some problems understanding this!
I have to say I still don’t know what practical use this device is going to be to me, but I did enjoy a good laugh finding out what it’s probably not to be used for!

#lostinstranslation #alexa #smartspeaker #notsosmartspeaker #yorkshireaccent

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