5 years ago

Swimming with sharks is not as terrifying as people all over the world make out & South Africa has some of the best shark diving To offer.

As you can see from this video they are not as terrifying as people make out. Respect between the diver & sharks is totally mutual & so gracious!

The oceanic Black Tips filmed here were filmed with "No Cage" & is totally in there Natural habitat. The blacktip shark has a stout, fusiform body with a pointed snout, long gill slits, and no ridge between the dorsal fins. Most individuals have black tips or edges on the pectoral, dorsal, pelvic, and caudal fins. It usually attains a length of 1.5 m (4.9 ft).

This was filmed at Protea Banks, African Dive Adventures, with Roland & Beulah. The most AMAZING people & if you were thinking of diving here you should totally get in touch with them!!

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