Ronstadt Compares Trump To Hitler and Calls Mexicans "The New Jews"

5 years ago

Aging musical legend Linda Ronstadt joined CNN's Anderson Cooper and compared Pres. Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, America to Nazi Germany, and said that “the Mexicans are the new Jews.”

Anderson is promoting a new documentary called “Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice” airs at 9 p.m. on New Year’s Day.

As you know, you can't interview anyone from Hollywood or the music industry without getting their Trump hate comments on record. If anyone bucks the Hate Trump caboose, then they are blacklisted and placed on the misfit island. Ronstadt doesn't know that much about politics as you will see below. She repeats what she has heard from time to time so whatever expertise CNN thought she was going to provide has fallen by the wayside.

The topic of politics came up as Ronstadt was discussing her relationship with Republican members of her family, whom she said she gets along with and that she “won’t let [Trump] take my family relationships away.”

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