Rescued piglet has a second Christmas in her new home

5 years ago

Bacon Bit’s second Christmas is just around the corner. It’s hard to believe it’s been 2 years since her rescue.
On November 2017 at a poultry show, Dennita noticed a farmer walking around with a pocket size pig in his flannel shirt. She asked to hold the sleeping pig and immediately inquired to see all of his female piglets. Inside the back of an old dilapidated, filthy trailer lay 4 itty bitty piglets on straw...two girls and two boys. One of the piglets appeared to be more neglected than the others; she was the runt of the litter, filthy, and shivering. When Dennita asked to hold her, the farmer hesitated, but she insisted. As she cradled Bacons cold, tiny body in her warm hands, Dennita looked into her beautiful, blue eyes, & fell in love. Tears welled in Dennita's eyes as she asked the farmer, “How much?” He snickered at her choosing, however eager to walk away with fifty dollars.
Today, Bacon Bit has a fabulous life on the farm. She is served warm oatmeal and fruit in a clean bowl every morning.


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