Young sea lion breaks from nursing to investigate camera

5 years ago

The Galapagos Islands have been called the "Islands Born of Hell". They are the most hostile and beautiful place on earth, and home to some of the most diverse and unique life on the planet. All life here has adapted to survive and even thrive in conditions that might be impossible for other creatures elsewhere. It is home to the Galapagos tortoises, innumerable species of birds and insects and a diverse and spectacular marine ecosystem. Among the most interesting of all the animals here is the sea lion.

Sea lions have been called "sea dogs" due to their behavior and personality that so closely resembles that of our beloved canine companions. They are so curious and playful that it is easy to forget just how wild they actually are. Approachable and fun-loving, the sea lions seem to invite close interaction, but tourists are reminded to avoid touching them or getting too close. Especially when young, the sea lions are likely to seek affection or care from humans while their parents are out hunting. But the scent of a human on a baby sea lion would mean certain death as their mothers will abandon them.

This tourist came across an older baby nursing happily on its mother. Slowly and quietly, he approaches to get a look and some footage of the adorable pair. The mother is napping peacefully with her head in the shade of a rock formation.

The young sea lion suddenly notices the camera and waddles over curiously. Young sea lions are not aggressive like older males can be. This one tries to get a sniff as the camera man backs away quickly to avoid contact. As the sea lion returns to his mother, the camera man records over the youngster's shoulder briefly to capture such an adorable moment. He then moves away to give them their privacy.

One of the hardest things for an animal lover to understand about the Galapagos Islands is why they must resist the temptation to interact with wildlife. The residents have embraced the concept of letting nature dictate what happens in the wild. They understand the delicate balance and refuse to interfere. Helping one animal might have a negative effect on another. The web of life is complex beyond our understanding and even our best intentions can have disastrous consequences.

Young sea lions in the water are one of the few exceptions to this rule. They are agile and playful and they will often approach swimmers, diving and rolling, coming almost nose to nose. But these encounters are on the animal's terms and they are impossible to avoid. If juvenile sea lions chose to play with you, there is little you can do except enjoy the moment.

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