Cockatoo shows beloved friend happy dance on surprise visit

5 years ago

Onni the baby umbrella cockatoo is a four year old male who is going through some difficult phases in life. He is entering puberty and because of that he can be very moody and even aggressive. It isn't always snuggles and kisses for everyone. But you can always count on this unpredictable animal to have happy feet when his human girlfriend shows up for a visit.

It's always the same routine when Erin shows up. Onni displays and fluffs up his gorgeous white plumage and runs about stomping his feet to do a sort of tap dance for her. He always breaks out into a little game of peekaboo. He gets so excited here he keeps forgetting to say the word peekaboo to her as he scrambles back and forth on the couch to hide behind pillows and pop up to surprise her.

But his favorite game of all is one he only plays with her. And you can see why. Erin has quite a number of piercings! And this is one of the things Onni finds absolutely fascinating about her. He has learned to waggle his tongue back and forth across his beak in efforts to imitate Erin when she runs her tongue across her teeth with her piercing. He is quite successful at it. Sometimes he is so good at it he can imitate the clacking noise the piercing makes on Erins teeth when he wags it.

As said, cockatoos go through many stages in life. The most difficult is puberty. The feisty birds can become very moody, scream a lot and even bite. Onni has chosen just a couple people who he will be safe with. Oddly enough, Erin isn't always safe around Onni. Onni becomes so excited and out of control he tries to literally attack her most times. But Erin is highly experienced with birds luckily and so she can engage in close intimate play with this bird.

This baby, yes Onni is still a baby, means happiness and luck in Finland. And that is exactly what he brings to this world through his fantastic videos on the internet with his famous stompy feet and 'Lalala" song. As stated he is a challenge to raise and has required complete dedication from the family. He carries a message for the world. "Think beyond the cage" for your pets and yourselves. These birds need plenty of space and need to be out of cages as much as possible to be happy and healthy.

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