Sheboygan dad remembers late son

5 years ago

It is Sports Auction 4 MACC Week on TODAY'S TMJ4. All week we are inviting families impacted by the MACC Fund to come in and share their stories. Jeff Kirschner lost his son Jacob to complications from Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD). Doctors had diagnosed Jacob with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in March of 2013 when Jacob was just 15-years-old. He received a bone marrow transplant in May of 2014 and things looked promising. But he struggled through GVHD and passed away November 16th, 2014. The MACC Fund supports research to find cures for childhood cancers and related blood disorders. Donate to the MACC Fund or bid on items during the Sports Auction 4 MACC here.

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