Stubborn husky is master manipulator!

5 years ago

Zeus the Stubborn Husky has his hoo-mans trained pretty well. He’s also quite a character and very vocal. He was recently at the vet and is starting to get some arthritis in his back left hip. The vet said not to push him for longer than he wants to go on walks and runs. It was a new vet (shout out to Dr Mosebey) and CLEARLY he doesn’t know Zeus yet! Zeus will not move if Zeus does not want to! But he will howl and cry and demand attention and treats, which he gets frequently.

Zeus and Kaden both gave 4 paws up for ROAM’s Croc Jerky, which is what they got in this video. No we are not paid dog-spokesmen, we just like what we like and share it with other picky treat eaters out there!

Follow Zeus and his adventures on FB and IG!

Subscribe and follow if you can handle the stubbornness!

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