Panda is eating bamboo

5 years ago

Panda tend to eat a plant-base diet. And 99% of bamboo.

There are about 300 kind of bamboo, but panda has preferred only Gelidocalamus fangianus, Fargesia robusta, Arundinaria spp, Fargesia nitida.

However, eating nothing but bamboo, the Panda lives on a very meager diet. From eaten by a Panda for a day 10-15 kg of bamboo, normally absorbed no more than 2 kg. in this case, the Panda is forced to eat all the time when he does not sleep, that is, up to 12-14 hours a day. This is the result of the fact that the Panda belongs to the class of bears and its digestive system is adapted not to plant, but to animal food.

An adult animal can easily eat 30 kg of bamboo and shoots in one day, the appetite of the Panda is simply magnificent . At the zoo, pandas are fed pressed bamboo fibers, so-called " cookies."

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