Doctors in india successfully removed a pumpkin-size ovarian cyst

5 years ago

INDIA (Maharashtra) The doctors' team of Acharya Vinoba Bhave Hospital of Maharashtra state of India consisted of Dr. Arpita Jaiswal Singam, Professor along with Dr. Deepika Dewani (Asst. Prof) Dr.Anubhuti Trivedi (Senior resident) and Dr. Abhishek Kothule( Resident) successfully removed a pumpkin-size ovarian cyst weighing 18.5 kg. A 38 year widow of district Nanded came to Acharya Vinoba Bhave Hospital with complaint of rapidly growimg lump in abdomen (her abdomen looked bigger than that of pregnant woman) since last 7 months. She did not visit hospital as she was not aware of her disease initially and later poverty situation made her wait till the tumour started causing her pain and respiratory distress/breathlessness. Seeing her plight dedicated Asha worker Mrs. Bebibai pooled 10- 20 rupees from the villagers and brought the patient to Acharya Vinoba Bhave Hospital with a sum of 5000 rupees. After medical tests, it was confirmed that she had an ovarian cyst (serous cystadenoma) that grew massively over 7 months. Patient required surgery and could not afford for the same, so she refused the surgery and wanted to go home. The doctors of hospital who were passionate for human life counselled her not to go to the house. Considering the above case,the owner of the hospital, Meghe group provided funds for her surgery. The surgery was challenging as intact removal of huge cyst without spilling cyst contents in the abdomen required expertise. The surgery was planned and completed without complications. The anesthetist team included Dr. Sen (Prof. in Anesthesia) and Dr. Kamble (Prof. in Anesthesia). The gynecologist team was Dr. Deepika Dewani (Asst. Prof) Dr.Anubhuti Trivedi ( SR) and Dr. Abhishek Kothule (Resident), tactfully removed the cyst weighing 18.5 kilograms. Post operatively patient is stable. Dr. Arpita Jaiswal Singam said “This is the biggest cyst I have operated on, it was so large that it took up 95% of the patient’s abdomen with a abdominal circumference of 106 cms. The woman's food intake had significantly reduced over the last two months. This had led to undernourishment. “The pressure kept on changing and hence it didn’t cause any damage to the abdominal organs including kidneys and liver,” Dr. Abhishek said. Before surgery, weight of lady was 57 kg but after the removal of cyst her weight reduced to 37kg.

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