Behar Solution To Confiscating Guns — Wait Until You Get Elected To Take Them

5 years ago

You would think that Joy, living in New York City, would know better than to say that. People who are anti-gun advocates are the first to support those who use a gun to protect themselves and/or their family from bodily by someone who would break into their house in the middle of the night, thinking they might be next to. Why do Democrats constantly make statements that strengthen Trump's political base?

Whatever one's position on the issue, we should all be horrified at the totalitarian mindset that more and more is expressed. People no longer care about the means, and of course the means is what makes representative democracy what it is, that is, we accept election results whether we like them or not, we assume innocence until guilt is proved, we accept positions we don't like at all unless and until they are changed legitimately, etc. Call it what you will, Marxism or Fascism, it is all the same when it comes to this. It is totalitarian. Yes, MEANS count. Oh, well, the Founders warned that we might due this, and all for a lack of virtue.

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