Top 10 US Cities With The Worst Drivers

4 years ago

Is your city known for disagreeable driving?Now that summer is in full swing expect both traffic incidents and road deadliness to spike across the nation. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety freshly succeeded that summer and early fall are the deadliest times of year on the country is roads attributing this to the improved number of road trips and miles driven. In fact July and August see about 116 road deaths per day in the U.S., making these the deadliest months on record. With more media in motion during peak vacation time drivers face an elevated risk of getting in a disaster.

But no matter the time of year some municipalities see higher rates of traffic events than others. If you’re from a city with a reputation for poor driving it’s possible that this reputation is supported by the data. Interested in which cities are home to the worst drivers the data scientists at Insurify an auto insurance quote website set out to identify the populations across the nation with the highest percentage of drivers with a history of at-fault events. The most common offenses cited in these communities were advancing offenses and at-fault collisions with locales from the South and Midwest making up a slight bulk. Calm both major urban centers and lesser-known rural towns made the list implying that incident prone driving is a problem that is negative find to any one type of community.

Insurify gives car insurance quotes based on customers’ answers to questions about driving history vehicle type and other personal data. The rankings in this article are based on a set of 1.4 million car insurance shoppers' attention. Each shopper was asked whether any drivers on their policy application had been quoted for a driving conflict where they were at fault in the past seven years. At-fault incidents include accidents, DUIs, failures to stop, speeding, reckless driving, passing violations, and other causes for citation.

Using this report the data scientists at Insurify were able to calculate the percent of drivers in each city with a history of worst driving incidents. After determining the city in each U.S. state with the highest percentage of drivers reporting an incident they ranked the top ten. They also included city statistics on the two most common types of disturbances in each city—speeding assaults and at-fault accidents—against the national averages for these hurts. Information on the city population was gathered from the U.S. Census Bureau.

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