100 Years of Packers History through Photographs

5 years ago

If a picture is worth a thousand words, 100 years of photographs can say a whole lot! For nearly 8 decades, one father-son duo was on the sidelines of every game for the Green Bay Packers, capturing the story of this historic franchise through photography. Almost 300 of their Vernon and Jim Biever's best pictures are gathered together in a brand new book that's a must-have for any Packers fan. Jim Biever joins us to discuss the book, his career, and this special team. Jim Biever has a book signing on November 7 at 7pm at Port Exploreum in Port Washington. He also has a book event on December 3 at 7pm at Boswell Book Company. "100 Years in Titletown: Celebrating a Century of Green Bay Packers Football" is available wherever books are sold!

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