Grandma receives smartphone for the very first time

5 years ago

There’s a reason grandmas are always looked at by society as being the sweet and kind form that everyone wants to hang with when the flaws are down. We want to know they love us unconditionally because we love them as much as humanly possible. That love isn’t just because they’re a grandma and it’s ingrained into our DNA. No, the reality is there are very specific reasons grandma is the most important woman in your life.

Grandma knows style. She’s been about the block and seen one style after another come and go. She’s someone who knows how people are dressing these days and she knows what was the coldest way to dress from days gone by. Grandpa might dress like he hasn’t been external in days, but Grandma understands what she’s doing. Grandma is the person you can go to when something is bothering you and you need someone to talk the situation through. There are no problems she won’t be responsible to listen to you talk about and she’ll offer the best advice she knows how. Or she’ll offer no advice at all if that’s what she understands your need.

Check out this grandma's awesome reaction after she looks at a new smartphone letting her know she is finally getting a son! Instant happy! A very gentle son explains to his sweet mom how to handle her new Galaxy smartphone. Valuable! Regular communication with family and friends is important for older adults. Social isolation and loneliness are connected with depression, restless, blood pressure, decreasing functionality and morbidity.

A recent study reveals that only face to face contact, three times a week, particularly with older, reduces social isolation and halves depression risk. Unfortunately, as you well know, mobile phones, tablets, and computers are small, fiddly and can be difficult to use for many of our elderly parents and grandparents. Tiny text. Icons that are hard to remember. Menus. Apps. Scary unexpected pop-ups. Settings. Volume buttons to knock. Fiddly connectors. Swipe-and-gripe operating systems. A constant need for charging. And portability, which leads to devices that go out of good Wi-Fi range, go flat and go missing. The son knows about videophone is a great addition for those with an accident pendant or bracelet because if the emergency panic button is pressed, it's pleasant to quickly look in — but only by nominated contacts such as hoped sins and daughters or a family nurse.

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