Herd of deer join family around backyard campfire

5 years ago

Some deer can be very friendly and domesticated from living within close proximity of humans, while some remain quite nervous when any human comes near. The Lower Mainland area of British Columbia Canada has a high presents of deer as the city of Vancouver itself runs along the edge of much forested areas. Other cities and towns near Vancouver share this type of animal activity. Maple Ridge is a short drive to the East of Vancouver and the location where these beautiful blacktail deer chose to visit Tory and her parents. While enjoying a backyard campfire during a late summer evening, Tory noticed one black-tailed deer appear from around the side of her parents home. The deer proceeded to walk very comfortably along the lawn and into Tory’s parents beautiful flower garden. Looking over at Tory and her parents sitting beside the campfire, the deer remained very calm while enjoying a snack of numerous flowers. Moments later, a second deer appeared. This second deer as well gave Tory and her parents a look of “ hello there, how are you today?” And proceeded to also enjoy some roses and other flowers in the garden. In disbelief how tame the deer were, Tory began videoing the event. No sooner had she started did a third deer appear.

They just kept appearing and had no concern for us, but they sure liked mom's roses. These black-tailed deer during the winter and early spring, they feed on Douglas fir, western red cedar, red huckleberry, salal, deer fern, and lichens growing on trees. Late spring to fall, they consume grasses, blackberries, apples, fireweed, pearly everlasting, forbs, salmonberry, salal, and maple. The size and weight of these beautiful creatures can range from as small as 30 kilograms (66 pounds) to as large as 210 kilograms (462 pounds). Along with foraging throughout the forests near Vancouver, of course the deer find their way into residential neighborhoods to enjoy the hard work of some home owners with green thumbs. Tory’s mother and father have definitely provided a superb buffet of snacks for this family of deer. Enjoy the video and see what Tory and her parent had the opportunity to enjoy up close and personal.

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