Neutered male cat Waits Owner order

5 years ago

Neutered male cat Waits Owner order , Understanding your cat can take time. Cats have a complex set of behaviours that can leave even the most experienced cat owner baffled.

However, the one question that can be answered with some certainty is how long on average a cat can live.

Cats may not really have nine lives, but factors such as diet, healthcare and environment can have an impact on how long a cat can live. Neutered cats tend to live longer because neutering prevents reproductive diseases and neutered cats are less likely to roam.

While dependent on many things, including luck, some domestic cats can live to up to 20 years old. During their life they will go through six key life stages which may help owners understand certain health/behavioural problems that could arise and things to keep an eye on.

This is the best stage to introduce your cat to lots of new things such as other pets, household noises, being brushed and handled, as well as familiarising them with children.

You’ll see them go through their most rapid growth spurt during this time. This is also a good time to neuter your pet to stop unwanted litters.

Junior (six months – two years)

Your cat will reach full size during this period of time and will have reached sexual maturity.

It is important to play appropriately with your pet as this will teach them how to play nicely with people. This means ensuring not to play rough and tumble games with your cat; instead, use toys to engage with them.

Playing with your hands can encourage biting and scratching, which may seem cute when they’re a kitten, but remember that they soon grow up and the bites and scratches will get harder.
Prime (three – six years)

As the name of this phase suggests, your cat will be at its prime in life during these years. While they are young and healthy it’s still important to ensure that your cat remains up to date on their vaccinations and health checks to help prevent any diseases or illnesses.
Mature (seven – 10 years)

At this age your cat will be the human equivalent of someone in their mid-forties to mid-fifties.

This means that you may notice your pet starting to slow down and they are more likely to put on some weight. It’s important to carefully monitor their food consumption so that they are having the right amount for their level of activity. If you are unsure as to whether your cat is overweight or unsure on how to cut back on meal times, please speak to your vet.

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