Strange Bright Flying Object Rushing Through The Clouds

5 years ago

A bright UFO light flew over the German city near Engelsbrand. In this video recording, made on September 2018, you see a super luminous object rushing through the clouds. Witnesses believes this unidentified flying object flew an altitude of higher than 500 feet. The brother woke the witness up at 7 o'clock in the morning. Because the witnesses slept on the window side, the witnesses was able to grab the phone right away and started to record the UFO sighting. The only possible explanation is that this is a balloon being illuminated from below by sunrise, but that is just a theory.

The 2014 UFO event near Bremen Airport has not been forgotten by many locals. In Germany, there are nearly 500-year reports of unknown flying objects. In the sixteenth century, a woodcut was made about a UFO sighting in Nuremberg. The work of Hans Glaser shows several UFOs that occurred on April 4, 1561. The woodcut is preserved in the Central Library of Zurich in Switzerland. According to witnesses hundreds of spheres, cylinders and cigar-shaped objects appeared in the sky. They also saw large black triangular objects and reported a crash outside the city.

On August 24, 1990, many witnesses saw luminous spheres in the sky over the town of Greifswald. This one of the best-documented UFO sightings in Europe because of the many videos and photos that were made. This UFO case is also referred to as Greifswald Lights. To date, the sighting remains unsolved. Gerald Schwab, one of the witnesses told the German newspaper Bild: "They hovered three minutes before they suddenly quickly accelerated." Hundreds of tourists and residents from Greifswald, Rostock, Usedom Neubrandenburg documented this phenomenon. The spheres formed a 'Y' and were more than 30 minutes visible.

Hessischer Rundfunk, the public broadcaster of Hesse, reported on April 10 last year a UFO, the German air traffic control DFS was puzzled. The object looked like a torso and was seen over the countryside around Frankfurt. A spokeswoman for the DFS said: "It is an unidentified flying object that we can not identify."

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