American Ducks Clean Up In Lake

5 years ago

Group Of Ducks Clean Up In Lake , The Lake Duck is a stiff-tailed duck of southern South America, primarily in Argentina and Chile. They are found on many inland bodies of water, favoring freshwater wetlands and small lakes. Males are handsomely patterned with a chestnut body, black head, and large, blue bill; females are brownish marked with a contrasting pale subocular stripe and throat.

The species is remarkable in that the males have the longest penis relative to body size of any bird; the organ has apparently evolved a brush-like tip to remove sperm from previous matings.

Little is known about the lake duck's diet, but it is believed to consist of small invertebrates, seeds, and plant remains. The breeding season varies between countries, occurring from October to January in Argentina. Males produce popping noises and "mechanical rustling noises" for display.

The lake duck is a partially migratory species. It lives in bodies of freshwater with large amounts of vegetation, such as wetlands and lakes.

It is very widespread, naturally occurring in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, and having been introduced to Antarctica and the Falkland Islands.

It has a stable population of 6,700–67,000, with no major threats. As of 2016, it is listed as a species of least concern on the IUCN Red List.

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