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In The News - New healthy homes standards for New Zealand Landlords
New legislation for New Zealand property managers "The Healthy Homes Standards" comes into force on July 1st 2019.
Balancing the obligations of landlords with the rights of tenants - One News
If you can't afford to provide a healthy safe place for people to live, then you can't afford to be a landlord It's raft after raft of change coming so, this means that as an investor you're finding less confidence going out and buying additional rental properties.
The New Zealand government plans to introduce new healthy home standards for warm dry houses.
These are the latest changes to tenancy laws following the abolition of letting fees and the limiting of rent increases.
If you do all this in one big bang and say right let's pile all this on, you know there's thousands of dollars of cost, who's going to pay that? well it won't be the landlord.
Interest rates have been dropping and rents have been rising, so the yields are actually looking quite good.
Landlords can afford, or a lot of landlords can afford to do the increased requirements, and it is just more of a disincentive to add additional rental stock, you might find some landlords say oh it's just too much work.
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New research out today from economic research group Motu says hospitalisations due to poor housing could be costing more than $145 million in ACC claims and medical costs, with 32 per cent of homes reporting problems with damp or mould.
The real estate Institute suggests the government provides subsidies or incentives to landlords to provide heating, but the housing minister says that many landlords took up previous insulation subsidies, and demand for those has waned in recent years.
It's expected seventy five percent of landlords will comply with the standards and there'll be 2000 official compliance checks a year, but advocates say it should be easy for tenants to find out that information for themselves.
The onus should be on landlords to prove compliance by providing upfront some information for instance receipts photographs or an inspection from an appropriate Assessor.
Everyone is human everyone deserves to be treated, and to live in a house that's warm dry and safe.
The heat now on landlords to get up to scratch. Katy Bradford one news.
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