Boyfriend Not Happy About Bouquet Toss

5 years ago

When some of our relatives or friends get married, it is a special day for all of us who are in their closest circle, of course, is a little more exciting for women than for men, since they strive to put on their best dress, a beautiful makeup and above all they wait anxiously for the bride to throw the bouquet of flowers to see if they are the lucky ones and the next ones to get married, that's what they say, according to this typical custom of weddings, we do not know how true this practice is but in no wedding should miss. That's why, even if it's just for fun, there's always energy and enthusiasm among the girls to go after that acclaimed bouquet of flowers. Very fun!

The video begins when one of the guests begins to record the moment when the bride is about to throw the bouquet, he decides to record, since his girlfriend is one of the girls who yearns to go after the bouquet. When the bride finally throws the bouquet, the girl who ended up catching the flowers was a good friend from the high school of the bride of the man who is recording. The lucky girl in the video has been in a relationship with the man who is sitting at the table a few meters behind her, the star of the video, for some years have been together, and have a son of two years. They are all friends and thought the video was funny.

We all know that women are usually excited about the idea of marrying their prince charming, but someone has started to ask the man what they think about it? If they really want to catch that bouquet? It seems that for all their opinions are in the background, as all focus their eyes on the handful of women who fight over a bouquet of flowers, that bouquet that makes them dream of their future wedding. But luckily this astute cameraman has managed to capture the reaction of this lucky man, who is destined to marry inevitably Hilarious! his face is not the happiest, while he crossed his fingers so that his girlfriend did not catch the bouquet of flowers, her insistence could everything and now we will have wedding soon.

The most probable thing is that this man wanted to put a little fun to the matter and is of those men who are terrified of marriage, even so, this couple has several years together and a child in common, so it would only be a matter of time for them to give the yes and become a marriage with all the law, do you love weddings? Who does not?! They are events full of emotions that will make you think about love more than usual and we enjoy it, we all love to see happy couples and especially eat and drink from the spectacular banquets at weddings. Fantastic!

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