Cancer Survivor Reacts To Having Lamborghini Huracan For Five Days

5 years ago

Tom Garrett is an amazing young man who has battled cancer with courage and optimism. Diagnosed at 14, at the beginning of a promising hockey career, he was suddenly faced with a leukemia diagnosis and the news that the next few years of his life would involve constant treatments, medications, procedures, and surgeries. In fact, for the next four years of his life, almost every day was spent battling with everything he had in him. He had a bone marrow transplant, and although it saved his life, he struggled with graft versus host disease, a condition caused by his new immune system attacking his entire body. The medication required to keep this in check also took its toll and he faced pain and other side effects.

An inspiration to his friends, family, and even his community, Tom faced every day like a true champion. His passion for gaming, exotic cars, and socializing online continued and grew.
Tom's friend, Dave was a police officer who was fortunate enough to pull over a collection of super cars on their way through Peterborough, Ontario, on a car rally that was being filmed for Ghostrider is a member of the North Face Rally car club, a group of guys with fast cars and big hearts. It was through this traffic stop that Dave met "Ghostrider", an anonymous philanthropist and exotic car collector. Ghostrider is a legend in the car scene, both for his super cars and for his generosity.

The traffic stop became a very viral video on social media when Ghostrider convinced Dave to drive his Lamborghini Huracan. What the world didn't see about that day was that Ghostrider and Dave talked as much about community involvement as they did about the cars. When Ghostrider asked what he could do to help Dave with any of his community efforts, Dave said Tom was a big fan of Lamborghinis and would love a ride in one. He asked if Ghostrider would take Tom for a spin.

What followed was something Dave never expected. Ghostrider asked Dave to come and get his Lamborghini and drive Tom around for a few days to make sure he had a proper experience.

Dave and Tom had planned an evening at the movies but Dave didn't tell Tom what was coming to pick him up. The video camera catches Tom's reaction as he walks out to the driveway and as he squeezes into the passenger seat. For the next few days, Dave drove Tom around town and out on the open highway, making the whole experience a dream come true.

Ghostrider has sent Ferraris, Lamborghinis and a Rolls Royce to Peterborough to surprise Tom since this day. His generosity and kind heart are simply incredible!

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