Boost Your Garden with the Help of Pollinators

5 years ago

In order to have a successful and efficient garden you need many things: good weather, water, and sunlight. However, most people often overlook the importance of pollinators. Pollinators are vital to our plants, so increasing the number of pollinators visiting your garden is a great practice. Melinda Myers, AKA "The Plant Doctor", is back with simple ways to increase pollination in our gardens. The American Transmission Co. has a pollinator guide that has all these tips and more for helping increase your pollinator population. They are even working to increase pollinator habitat and corridors under transmission lines. To download the free ATC Grow Smart Pollinator Guide, visit . You can see Melinda at the Wisconsin State Fair August 1-11 at 10am and 2pm daily. She will be talking about gardening for your health and well being. She will be located at We Energies Energy Park inside of the state fair park.

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