Moose Makes The Most Of Garden Sprinkler

5 years ago

Why is nature so beautiful? Why does a short walk amidst nature have such a calming influence on our mind? Why does the sight of flowers, butterflies, rainbows and animals fill our hearts with joy unspeakable? While evolution and science can explain many facts of our daily existence, the answer to this profound puzzle lies a little beyond the reaches of present day science, and in the realms of the super-conscious. Nature is beautiful because it is a manifestation of everything that is fervently pulsating with life on this planet. In the midst of nature, our minds become calm because we feel the pull of this joyful cosmic consciousness.

It's really easy to forget that we are not the only living beings living on this planet. We're trapped in our concrete jungles, escaping the scorching heat and the freezing icy winters in the sanctity of our homes. The only contact with the outside world are photographs and videos of animals living freely in the wild. But they are here, we share the same oxygen, we share the food, the water, the ups and downs of the climate changes.

Love for animals has only increased as time has gone on. This day we can see lots of animals, whther it is dogs, cats being the most dominant but also pigs, rabbits, hedgehogs and many more that were previously known as eatables now have become completly domesticated.

Here is a little feedback from the filmer, "Truck the moose is our neighborhood moose this summer. He frequents the local trees and mossy beds for a rest behind our house. Our four-year-old named him earlier this summer and it's really fitting as we have watched Truck grow bigger and more beautiful this summer. I came home from work to find this handsome guy bathing in our neighbors yard. He doesn't seem bothered by any of us taking pictures and being close. Of course we take precautions, as I was safely in my car"

This is quite the videos since wild animals usually try to keep away from people overall. However as time passes we come to realize that wild animals are getting more and more used to people. And here is the perfect video to prove so!

What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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