Help kids get ready for school with the Denver7 'Pack A Backpack' school supply drive

5 years ago

Education can help children overcome poverty, but if a family cannot afford basics like pencils, rulers, and notebooks, it can be difficult for a child to learn. The Denver7 Pack A Backpack school supply drive alleviates that burden for hundreds of children and their families. “If I didn’t have pens or pencils or things like that – it would put a toll on me and my kiddos,” said mother of two Jasmine Herrera. Denver7 is again joining forces with The Salvation Army and Les Schwab Tires in helping children show up for school ready to learn. During the month of July, you can donate supplies on the list below at any Les Schwab Tires location or you can visit to make a cash donation. A contribution of just $15 can provide one fully ready backpack for a child in need.

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