A Fun and Unique Race For a Good Cause

5 years ago

Family Promise of Washington County is a local non-profit working to fight, prevent, and end homelessness. Karl's Place is a part of this non-profit and coming up, on July 24th, they will be hosting their third annual Bed Race at the Washington County Fair Park in West Bend. The goal of this race is to put a twin bed on wheels, get a team of 5 together, 4 to push and 1 to ride, and race around the race track at the park. The winner receives the traveling trophy and free admission into the race next year. Lori Prescott and Francine Stone are here to tell us more about the race. Check in will be from 4:30 - 5:30 pm and the race will start at 6pm. To sponsor or register a team, visit FamilyPromiseWC.org .

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