Sibling Scooter Race Ends In Hysterical Screaming Argument

5 years ago

Sibling rivalries are now a part of common life, but things can definitely get a little exciting when a sister and a brother are both after the same thing! Check out this adorable video of what happens at the end of a scooter race between Leo and his younger sister Pella. Anyone with a brother or sister will definitely be able to relate to this! Too funny!

Everyone who has a brother or a sister knows that siblings’ love is endless, but so is their rivalry! No matter how much they love each other; there will always be some kind of competitions between them. And this video shows it really well! But, it is also very funny, so you better check it out this funny Sibling scooter race which at the ends in a hysterical screaming argument. LOL! Well, that is the way of siblings! If you cannot beat it, join it!

If you grew up with siblings, you understand that no matter how strong you get along with them; there are repeated moments of sibling rivalry! Sometimes you just want to be the best at something! Most sibling rivalries are in good fun and do not last very long.

Sibling relationships can be complicated. On one hand, you love each other and would do anything for them, but on the other…you are always looking for ways to mess with them! Anyone who has a sibling knows the struggle of a sibling rivalry sometimes even the smallest things turn into a competition! Just ask the siblings in this funny video clip!

It is a known fact that the older siblings are usually jealous because, with the arrival of a new brother or sister, they stop being the center of attention. Their life is not similarly anymore and the guilty person in their eyes is a new sister or brother.

Now, this continues for some period, however, after a while, the older sibling not only stops being jealous but becomes super protector over the younger one. In the end, siblings inevitably end up adoring each other! You know how they say: ‘sister and brother, together as companions, ready to handle whatever life sends.’"

Have you ever seen cute sibling videos like this one? Let us know in the comment section! Be sure to visit for more awesome videos, and feel free to upload any of your own videos as well.

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