This Dance Inspires Millions Of Breast Cancer Survivors

5 years ago

Have you ever heard of a Pink Glove Dance? Nearly 1,000 operating nurses put on pink gloves and danced their best moves to raise awareness for breast cancer. It’s a heartwarming sight for all to see! Breast Cancer affects families and friends around the world. Events like this help take the taboo off the disease, and open up conversations to help both the patient and their families.

Medline is the largest privately held manufacturer and distributor of healthcare supplies in the United States; and the founder of the Pink Glove Dance! The dance got underway during Medline’s 11th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Breakfast in Anaheim, California. Medline created the massive dance party to honor those affected by the disease. This year, Medline’s Pink Glove Dance will take place on May 2nd. You don’t want to miss it!

To get more information or get involved, go to Pink Glove Dance!

This video was produced by Tracy Chevrier and shot/edited by Julian Anthony Scholl. To see more inspiring cancer survivor stories, check out our HooplaHa YouTube page. - Hooplaha

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