Stubborn Husky Lets Mom Know What He Thinks Of His New Bed

5 years ago

People say that, over time, dogs start to resemble their owners, both in looks and in behavior. Whether it’s the animals that start imitating their humans, or the humans start to identify themselves with their dogs, it doesn’t matter, there are hundreds of photos online where dog owners look almost exactly like their dogs!

In ancient times, dogs helped our ancestors hunt for mammoth and toothed tigers. Dog teams bare the credit naturalists, geologists and other adventure-seekers ventured into expeditions and conquest of the Arctic and Antarctic. In the world of today, many dogs live a comfortable couch life next to their beloved owners and we are grateful to them for the company and the occasional funny thing they do to make us happy. This is why, among other things, people love to show off their pets.

The little rascals are treated as stars, as cute toy creatures that give one joy, or even ugly, but ridiculously funny pets. Pets are, and this is a fact, one of the top-5 keyword searches on the Internet.

Do you think that dogs are adorable and are capable of feeling love towards their owners? See how this wolfhound shows love and friendship to its owner after being away from home. All dogs miss their owners when they leave home, but this time these two best friends are very happy to meet again after the man was absent for ten long weeks, there is no doubt that the dogs are the best friends of the man. This is very adorable!

Zeus the Stubborn Husky is stubborn about everything! He doesn't want to get out of the bath tub (in his infamous video)! He won't get out of the front seat after a trip to the store. He doesn't even want to run in the obstacle course and poops right on the course! Zeus will listen when Zeus wants to listen.

This time, he is introduced to his new bed, which will replace his old worn out bed up in the bedroom. He has a dog bed in most areas of the house because he's spoiled. After laboring over which bed to pick for him, we came home and showed him. Check out his response!

Kaden, his long haired German Shepherd brother is always appreciative of what we bring home! They are complete opposites but best friends! Go ahead and have a laugh as this Husky is just too funny!

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