Sweet Old Dog Falls Asleep In Food Bowl

5 years ago

We all know that cats can fall asleep everywhere at any time, but did you know that dogs can play that game too? Apparently, dogs like to fall asleep in strange places all the time, especially if they are older ones. Everybody loves dogs, and everyone wants to sleep, so what's not to like about sleeping dogs in funny positions?

Have you ever seen a dog sleeping in their food bowl, or your dog if you own one? If you see your dog sleeping in the food bowl, don't worry about that, it means that they are happy and content. A joyful dog with a full belly can't resist a good nap, and that is precisely what happened with this doggo.

Turn up the sound and listen to sweet old Barkley, a 14-and-a-half-year-old Wheaten Terrier, snore in his bowl. Barkley was eating his dinner when he just got too tired and fell asleep with his face in the bowl! Look at the full belly. It’s time for a nap!

He is probably taking a nap in between feedings, and you know what they say eat, drink, and be thankful! It appears that on rare occasions, some dogs prefer sleeping than eating, and those kinds of outcomes can be amusing, just like this video. Barkley wanted to sleep and eat at the same time; however, he made a smart choice when he took a break in between feedings.

This is actually pretty smart because this way he can get his nap and also nobody can't steal his food. Setting aside the Cuteness Overload, dogs, like human babies, need lots of rest for their growth. Like a human teenager, they can sleep for up to 18 hours a day. Isn't that amazing?

However, a little birdy told us that sweet old Barkley loves to take a nap all the time, and he loves being lazy. Nothing can disturb him when he is sleeping, even the vacuum cleaner bonking against his head, no water what he will not give up from his sweet nap!

Dogs always find a way to fill your day with positive energy and put a smile on your face, and we are here for that all day, every day. So hit that play button, enjoy this cute video of Barkley and your day will be so much better. And don't forget to share it with your friends they will appreciate it too!

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