Annoying Cat Determined To Cuddle With Sleepy Dog

5 years ago

Faithful, kind, affectionate, loyal - all these complementary characteristics apply to dogs that know their owners, like no other. Imagine what kind of secrets your beloved furry amigo could tell about you, if only it could talk. Scientists have conducted comprehensive research and have determined that when a person looks at a pet dog, the hormone oxytocin is produced in his or her body.

Apparently, that's why dogs love to look at their master with their gentle eyes, when they want to get something. By the way, the same hormone in the body is produced when a person looks at a small child. This oxytocin is the sole culprit why dogs “understand” us so profoundly. Many dog owners can confirm that whenever they are sad, worried or anxious their dog starts to behave differently, as if they can read our thoughts and feelings.

And on the other hand, cats are incredible creatures. It seems that no matter how much we try to describe them, we can never do it in one word. There are so many sides to a cat, and they switch between them all in the blink of an eye. They can be real angels, nudging you with their marshmallow paws on your chest and looking at you with round intelligent eyes, knowing that you need some furry love.

They also love to wake you up with those same paws in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. They are brilliant creatures, and they can weather any storm on their own. It seems like you can never truly domesticate them and it’s fine, they are perfect each way.

However, at times they can be distracting, say, right at that time when you need to do yoga and you need all the concentration possible. Just ask this owner, he’s got lots of experience with these cuddly and extremely needy furballs.

There are two kinds of people in this world. The ones who love cats and those who despise them. It is not tough to see why, since cats can be quite cunning in their ways, making people believe they can not be trusted. “It takes one to know one”, they say.

We all need a hugging buddy from time to time and this is a fact! Love and affection is probably one of the main drives for any live being for that matter. Like this cat that has not had its dose of love for the day has decided to hustle this puppy into sharing his love!

This video s a must watch since we believe you will happen to find yourself ether in the kitty or the doggy! Take a look and please be sure to share your thoughts with us!

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